Active SG

Establishing a Design System with Key UI/UX Consideration

Sport SG

Sport Singapore’s core purpose is to inspire the Singapore spirit and transform Singapore through sport. Through innovative, fun and meaningful sporting experiences, our mission is to reach out and serve communities across Singapore with passion and pride.

ActiveSG is SportSG’s portal for booking public sports facilities and sign up for public sporting events.

Active SG Mobile

User's Goals and Needs

We compiled the user's thoughts and emotions while interacting with the app. Then translated it into a journey map. The timeline indicates how the emotional state changed during each of the interactions. After that we came out with the HMW statements to optimise the experience of it.

How might we help users find the most suitable venue and time to play their game/exercise?

How might we streamline the navigation of a regular user's journey such that her experience is as efficient and to the point as potentially possible.

Customer Journey Map

Customer Journey Map

Success with A Heart





  • User satisfaction.
  • Number of new users download.
  • Ratings and reviews from users.
  • Referral rates (the number of app download).


  • Connecting with people of the same industry.
  • User activity.
  • Amount of feedback / reviews from users.
  • Number of booking made.


  • Features / components implemented successfully.
  • User onboarding.
  • Number of components used in new design.
  • Number of time users booked the same facilities within a period of time.


  • Daily search.
  • Active users.
  • App usage time.
  • Number of pass purchased.

Task Success

  • User goals completion.
  • Users give positive feedback.
  • Consistency in the implementation of the design system.

Success Metrics Using Google's HEART Framework

Defining the Key Design Principles

Before we proceeded to brand identity, we first defined what our key design principles should be. We turned up with some key principles and structured them into 3 main things such as Motivational, Intuitive, Inclusive and Human.

Key Design Principles

Key Design Principles

Tone and Voice Determination

For tone and voice to express the core brand values, it’s more casual but not really serious nor funny. Also enthusiastic enough to be between irreverent and respectful. It reflects more of being friendly, helpful and inclusive. Once we mapped the voice to emotional needs, the results occurred as thankful, friendly, encouraging, attentive and sincere.

Tone and Voice

Tone and Voice

Color Pickups

The colors were mainly selected from the Sport Singapore and ActiveSG scheme. We also filled up with some other colors as secondary. They all aligned to the organisation’s branding. Variety of colors represent diversity and inclusivity. It's like vibrant, hype and ready to move vibe. Dark theme will be used as an app background hence those bright colors will pop up as excitement and with full energy!

Dark mode gives a break to our eyes from looking at bright screens all the time. It does save some battery and motivates us in terms of visualisation.

Color Pickups

Color Pickups

Typography and Iconography

The typography focused on readable, consistent, modern and clean. Headings are used with Proxima Nova and Cereal for buttons and body texts.


Usage of Typography

Since our design will be on a dark theme, we decided to use white outline icons so that the icons will be recognised obviously. It gives consistency on design as well for not mixing the solid and outline style icons.


Usage of Iconography

Components Prioritisation

We scanned through the app and identified the key components. Once noted down all the identified components, we prioritised them on the 2 by 2 matrix which is based on frequency and complexity. We tried to do most of the components within the green box to have significant improvement to the UI.

2 by 2 Matrix

2 by 2 Matrix

Anatomy of a Component

Carousel Slider

Pattern — Larger font size title for active item and normal font size for inactive. The image on top followed by the labels.

Transition — Enlarge box item and the distance label only appears at active stage.

Flexible — Long text will break into next line instead of truncating.

Carousel Slider

Carousel Slider

Low-fidelity Wireframes

We arranged the Wireflows on the idea of the facility booking process. Then we designed the Wireframes in order to be on the same page for everyone before we actually come out with the prototype. The Wireframes served great help from not deviating our thoughts.



Designing the Prototypes

Intuitive and Appealing Structure

Introduction of punchy vibrant colors and neat layout to emphasize key elements and information. More proactive in providing recommendations to users.

Intuitive and Appealing Structure

Intuitive and Appealing Structure

Prioritisation of Content Within Respective

Information that the users are more likely to be frequently keeping in touch with are moved to the tab bar at the bottom to induce habit forming behaviours, while more hygiene-type content and information sought through users’ initiative are kept within a hamburger menu.

Prioritisation of Content Within Respective

Prioritisation of Content Within Respective

User Productivity Browsing

Shorten the steps it takes for a user to carry out a task, shortcuts and tab functions are used to allow the users to arrive at their decided actions quicker. Incorporating this auto-browsing helps to counter lazy behaviour among users. This way they get more information from only being on the home screen.

User Productivity Browsing

User Productivity Browsing

Recognition Rather Than Recall

Conversational Tone and Voice

Suggestive Search History

Recognition Rather Than Recall

Recognition Rather Than Recall

Visibility of System Status

Letting the users know the availability of booking slots at the same time by allowing them to be notified via a waiting list system is highly beneficial to the use as it soothes the itch of not getting what they want.

Visibility of System Status

Visibility of System Status

Intuitive Browsing and Booking

An all-in-one booking system that provides the users with information on location crowding, opening hours details as well as making unavailable slots visibles. This gives the user free preference options and therefore, freedom.

Intuitive Browsing and Booking

Intuitive Browsing and Booking

"Add to Cart" Kind of Day

Like in ecommerce, there is often a time-limit to the soon-to-be purchase. The timer serves as a reminder feature to urge the users to check out in time knowing that there are limited slots, especially if they were already put on the waiting list.

Add to Cart Kind of Day

"Add to Cart" Kind of Day

Secure and Inherent Payment

The payment screen has been revamped to one that is more informative and clear in letting the users know the booking details, as well as the option to activate and deactivate their e-wallet cash flow. The confirmation button serves as a last security check to confirm transactions as well.

Secure and Inherent Payment

Secure and Inherent Payment


To conclude, this project is to express how we established a design system on the existing public sports facilities portal. We applied the UX researches and success metrics to gather the insights we needed. Based on them, we set the principles, brand identities and components for it. With the anatomy of a component, we came out with the wireflows and wireframes. Then translated them into prototypes. Those stages implemented a great help in finding the most suitable venue and time for the users to find their game or exercise as well as the faster navigation efficiency of the regular users without wasting their time browsing the app.