Raising the children alone being single parents is difficult under any circumstances. And it is worse when they are uneducated. They have to deal with parental duties while juggling housework, work and child care. To be able to get over with all the parental challenges, they will need to be proficient in their jobs and evolve with the new skill sets which will help them to survive independently.
Same for the elderly people, they become frail and poor in health. As they grow old, they need to focus on staying physically and socially active, and the connection with the community and loved ones. We need to assist them with the better healthcare, nursing, community service and comfortable environment.
Reflection is to show that we are able to evolve for better.
About Social Health Growth
Alson Boo, the Founder of Social Health Growth (SHG), did extensive research on Singapore’s independent and volunteer social and economic support systems. Based on his findings, he found out that there were a significant number of unwed and/or single mothers, elderly people in our community who were left mostly alone to fight their daily problems. He decided to found a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on the unwed, single mothers and their children according to his volunteer experience at the Lions Club some years before.
All beneficiaries developed because of all the motivation and value support which gives them happiness for a lifetime.
The Case Study Brief
The purpose of this case study report is to highlight the design challenges for a nonprofit charity organisation in Singapore. The first 3 elements have been used from the 5 elements of UX (the remaining 2 elements will follow up later) and applied Lean UX hypothesis techniques to identify design problems and issues.
The Strategy Plane
Product Objectives
Every day the beneficiaries of the SHG try to do their best to build up the new skill sets and lecture their children by overcoming the daily challenges such as job, housework, children education and many others. SHG empowers them with what they want to achieve with a lot of effort, time and funds raised from the donation. SHG aims to help parents and disadvantaged families to raise children into healthy and contributing members of the society. SHG provides the healthcare for the elderly as well.
Business Model Canvas
I did the Business Model Canvas to be able to visualise the business model. This is to modify the existing business model and find out the new business models. The canvas has filled up with the insights about the organisation, the organisation’s offered value propositions through the channels and how the organisation runs. It helps to know about the organisation’s own business model and the competitor’s.

Business Model Canvas
Then I did the Business Assumptions Exercise. I made the assumptions for the user needs, their benefits, how the business is going to run, the primary competition and the product risks. The biggest risk is to let the elderly, uneducated single parent who are not familiar with the technology to interact the product.
User Needs
A persona named Felicia Lim was developed to solve the problems. After that I formed the assumptions and conducted the survey to validate them. The persona indicates all her goals, tasks and the opportunities/features which she is going to need to solve her frustrations.

Lean Survey Canvas
Next, I generated the Lean Survey Canvas after preparing the survey questions then modified the persona accordingly reference from the survey responses. The survey questions are initially collected to know about the kind of charity activities and programmes that the users wish to discover. After that, learn to know how the users find out the trustworthiness of the organisation. Followed by the questions of how the users would like to take part in organisation. The survey ended with the frustration and satisfaction facts that users personally perceived.

Lean Survey Canvas
The Scope Plane
Feature Hypothesis Statement
Now at the Scope Plane, I combined the Business Outcomes, User, User Outcomes and Features to form the 8 Feature Hypothesis Statements that will helps in getting more partners, volunteers, funds, awareness and trust.

Feature Hypothesis Statements
Prioritising Hypothesis
According to the Feature Hypothesis Statements, I sketched the Effort/Impact Scale which measures the features of the highest impact with the lowest effort.
After the Prioritising process, I set the ranking for them based on their importance. The ranking decided on the least effort with the high impact like the user’s awareness of the organisation activities. The fundraising process takes high effort and has high impact. The least impact and the least effort of organisation news are putting before the high effort and low impact point. The Prioritising Hypothesis finalised with the four categories technique called MoSCoW to determine the priorities.

Prioritising Hypothesis
Content Requirements
Once done with the Prioritising Hypothesis, I then listed the existing content to the table and converted them into the Content Inventory. This is to have a clearer view of the current content that the system has. In order to make an improvement with the Content Audit phase which will come after this, I will need to have a better understanding of the existing content.
Once the Content Inventory has been listed down, I started to decide whether to retain, modify or take them out by conducting the Content Audit. The result from the Content Requirements Activity is displayed as a table.

Content Requirements
The Structure Plane
Five Dimensions of Interaction Design
As I paid attention to the words, visual representation, physical objects/space, time and behaviour during the interaction design phase. Then I recognised some points againsting the interaction design principle.

Image from Social Health Growth
Words — The usage of the terms on the donation buttons are kinda misleading and difficult to interpret the meaning of them.

Image from Social Health Growth
Visual Representation — Lack of the visual representation for most of the places such as buttons, contents, typography. Some of the icons inside the buttons are used wrongly.

Image from Social Health Growth
Physical Objects/Space — Found that the website is not very responsive on the 13 inches screens especially when using Macbook.
Other than the five dimensions, it also affecting these
Consistency — Some font styles usage are not consistent and difficult to read. The button styles need to be consistent too.
Perceivability — Not only button styles are not consistent but also misleading as in clickability. The contact form is overlapping for the users to be able to submit. Some of the buttons blended within the image.
Predictability — The explanation of the donation features lead the users indecisive whether it is to subscribe, buy now or add to cart.
The Information Architecture
The intention of applying the Information Architecture is to produce valuable content for the users to find out easily. It’s giving chances to the users to focus mainly on their tasks without the need of finding their way.
Card Sorting
I have done the Card Sorting with 3 participants to find out the easy way for the users to discover what they want in a short period of time. The navigation items and contents inside them are scattering and not really categorised. Donation functions are confusingly put under the separated navigation items. Also the irrelevant content information found out here and there. The final outcome from the card sorting will assist the users with a well organised structure.

Card Sorting
Now at the last phase of the Structure Plane, I drew a Sitemap with the primary pages and subpages to represent a list of navigations which are accessible to users in a hierarchical form. It helps in the improvement of the navigation structures as well as giving me the ability to know where the page navigations can be in place.